Converting colours

How to quickly convert different colour systems

We've provided some on-line tools to help you convert colours between various popular colour systems. For example RAL colours are widely used in the building industry with pigments being made of minerals whilst CMYK values are used in the printing industry for mixing inks. As the supported media for the colour systems may be very different from one another, the resulting conversions must be considered approximate.

If you're unsure of what to look for please contact our team for advice.

RAL to Pantone

RAL Classic to Pantone, CMYK, HSB & RGB values.

Convert from RAL

RAL D2+ to Pantone

RAL Design Plus to Pantone, CMYK, HSV & RGB values.

Convert from RAL Design+

Pantone to RAL

Pantone +CMYK coated to RAL Classic values.

Convert from Pantone

3M adhesive

3M to Pantone, RAl Classic, CMYK, HSV & RGB values.

Convert from 3M

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