RAL to Pantone

Converting to Pantone, CMYK, HSB & RGB values

How to convert the RAL Classic colours to use in Photoshop or Illustrator with Pantone, CMYK and RGB hex code values.

One of the sign-maker companies I work with near Dijon in France, only use RAL colour swatches with designs and builds for their clients. However RAL is not designed to be easily represented on monitor screens and many graphic programs have no built in capabilities for RAL. You can see examples of publicity signs and neon lights which I've designed for different companies.

RAL Classic to Pantone, CMYK and RGB conversion

Not all graphic programs allow you to easily switch between the various colour codes and formats. I've made this table to help me quickly convert (approximately) from RAL colours to Pantone to CMYK or RGB values.

This table concerns Pantone + Color Bridge Coated values. Please don’t forget that the displayed colours will vary depending on your monitor settings and that RGB values are only close matches for real life RAL and Pantone colours.

Convert Pantone to RAL

(best match) (% values) (decimal values) (hex values) (H° S% B%)
RAL 1000 P4525 0,9,34,20 Get Decimal #cdba88 43 34 80
RAL 1001 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 35 37 82
RAL 1002 P466 0,19,48,18 Get Decimal Get Hex 36 48 82
RAL 1003 Get Pantone 0,33,100,2 Get Decimal #f9a800 40 100 98
RAL 1004 P7563 0,31,100,11 228, 158, 0 #e49e00 42 100 89
RAL 1005 P125 0,30,100,20 203, 142, 0 Get Hex 42 100 80
RAL 1006 P131 0,36,100,11 Get Decimal #e29000 38 100 89
RAL 1007 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #e88c00 36 100 91
RAL 1011 P4645 Get CMYK Get Decimal #af804f 31 55 69
RAL 1012 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 45 82 87
RAL 1013 P7534 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 39 13 89
RAL 1014 P4535 0,11,30,13 221, 196, 154 Get Hex 38 30 87
RAL 1015 P4685 0,9,21,10 230, 210, 181 Get Hex 36 21 90
RAL 1016 P388 Get CMYK 241, 221, 56 #f1dd38 54 77 95
RAL 1017 P150 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 32 67 96
RAL 1018 Get Pantone Get CMYK 250, 202, 48 Get Hex 46 81 98
RAL 1019 P7530 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 30 26 64
RAL 1020 P451 Get CMYK 160, 143, 101 #a08f65 43 37 63
RAL 1021 Get Pantone Get CMYK 246, 182, 0 Get Hex 44 100 96
RAL 1023 Get Pantone 0,27,100,3 Get Decimal #f7b500 44 100 97
RAL 1024 P465 Get CMYK Get Decimal #ba8f4c 37 59 73
RAL 1026 P3965 Get CMYK Get Decimal #ffff00 60 100 100
RAL 1027 P7754 0,24,92,35 167, 127, 14 Get Hex 44 92 65
RAL 1028 Get Pantone 0,39,100,0 Get Decimal Get Hex 36 100 100
RAL 1032 P117 Get CMYK 226, 163, 0 Get Hex 43 100 89
RAL 1033 Get Pantone Get CMYK 249, 154, 28 #f99a1c 34 89 98
RAL 1034 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 29 65 92
RAL 1035 P7530 0,9,22,44 Get Decimal Get Hex 36 22 56
RAL 1036 Get Pantone 0,22,51,50 128, 100, 63 Get Hex 34 51 50
RAL 1037 P7569 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 37 100 94
RAL 2000 Get Pantone 0,50,100,15 218, 110, 0 Get Hex 30 100 85
RAL 2001 P7592 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 17 85 73
RAL 2002 Get Pantone 0,70,82,25 191, 57, 34 Get Hex 9 82 75
RAL 2003 P164 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 23 84 96
RAL 2004 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #e25303 22 99 89
RAL 2005 P1665 0,70,98,0 255, 77, 6 #ff4d06 17 98 100
RAL 2007 P130 Get CMYK 255, 178, 0 Get Hex 42 100 100
RAL 2008 P172 Get CMYK Get Decimal #ed6b21 22 86 93
RAL 2009 P1525 Get CMYK 222, 83, 7 #de5307 21 97 87
RAL 2010 P7584 0,55,81,18 208, 93, 40 #d05d28 19 81 82
RAL 2011 Get Pantone 0,51,94,11 226, 110, 14 #e26e0e 27 94 89
RAL 2012 Get Pantone 0,53,64,16 213, 101, 77 Get Hex 11 64 84
RAL 2013 Get Pantone 0,58,75,43 146, 62, 37 #923e25 14 75 57
RAL 3000 P7628 0,75,81,35 167, 41, 32 Get Hex 4 81 65
RAL 3001 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 0 77 61
RAL 3002 Get Pantone Get CMYK 155, 35, 33 #9b2321 1 79 61
RAL 3003 P202 0,81,75,47 134, 26, 34 Get Hex 356 81 53
RAL 3004 P195 0,74,67,58 107, 28, 35 Get Hex 355 74 42
RAL 3005 P7961 0,72,65,65 Get Decimal Get Hex 354 72 35
RAL 3007 Get Pantone 0,48,45,76 Get Decimal Get Hex 356 48 24
RAL 3009 P499 0,52,59,57 109, 52, 45 Get Hex 7 59 43
RAL 3011 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #792423 1 71 47
RAL 3012 P7613 0,33,45,22 198, 132, 109 #c6846d 16 45 78
RAL 3013 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #972e25 5 75 59
RAL 3014 Get Pantone Get CMYK 203, 115, 117 #cb7375 359 43 80
RAL 3015 Get Pantone 0,26,23,15 216, 160, 166 Get Hex 354 26 85
RAL 3016 Get Pantone 0,63,72,35 Get Decimal #a63d2f 7 72 65
RAL 3017 P7418 0,58,54,20 203, 85, 93 Get Hex 356 58 80
RAL 3018 P7418 Get CMYK 199, 63, 74 Get Hex 355 68 78
RAL 3020 Get Pantone 0,84,91,27 Get Decimal Get Hex 5 91 73
RAL 3022 P7607 0,49,59,19 207, 105, 85 #cf6955 10 59 81
RAL 3024 P485 Get CMYK 255, 45, 33 #ff2d21 3 87 100
RAL 3026 P485 0,84,89,0 255, 42, 27 Get Hex 4 89 100
RAL 3027 P7420 Get CMYK 171, 39, 60 Get Hex 350 77 67
RAL 3028 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #cc2c24 3 82 80
RAL 3031 P7524 0,69,67,35 166, 52, 55 Get Hex 358 69 65
RAL 3032 Get Pantone Get CMYK 112, 29, 35 #701d23 356 74 44
RAL 3033 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 6 73 65
RAL 4001 P7661 Get CMYK 129, 97, 131 #816183 296 26 51
RAL 4002 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #8d3c4b 349 57 55
RAL 4003 P238 0,51,29,23 Get Decimal Get Hex 334 51 77
RAL 4004 Get Pantone 0,70,45,60 101, 30, 56 Get Hex 338 70 40
RAL 4005 P7676 Get CMYK 118, 104, 154 Get Hex 257 32 60
RAL 4006 P7656 Get CMYK Get Decimal #903373 319 65 56
RAL 4007 Get Pantone Get CMYK 71, 36, 60 #47243c 319 49 28
RAL 4008 P7662 0,42,2,48 Get Decimal Get Hex 302 42 52
RAL 4009 Get Pantone Get CMYK 157, 134, 146 Get Hex 329 15 62
RAL 4010 Get Pantone Get CMYK 188, 64, 119 Get Hex 333 66 74
RAL 4011 Get Pantone Get CMYK 110, 99, 135 #6e6387 258 27 53
RAL 4012 P7666 Get CMYK 107, 107, 127 Get Hex 240 16 50
RAL 5000 P5275 56,29,0,56 49, 79, 111 Get Hex 211 56 44
RAL 5001 P5405 85,24,0,61 Get Decimal #0f4c64 197 85 39
RAL 5002 Get Pantone 100,54,0,52 0, 56, 123 Get Hex 213 100 48
RAL 5003 Get Pantone 64,34,0,67 Get Decimal #1f3855 212 64 33
RAL 5004 Get Pantone 38,25,0,84 25, 30, 40 #191e28 220 38 16
RAL 5005 Get Pantone 100,39,0,47 0, 83, 135 #005387 203 100 53
RAL 5007 P5405 Get CMYK 55, 107, 140 Get Hex 203 61 55
RAL 5008 Get Pantone 37,15,0,73 Get Decimal Get Hex 204 37 27
RAL 5009 P5405 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 197 72 47
RAL 5010 P287 100,36,0,51 0, 79, 124 #004f7c 202 100 49
RAL 5011 Get Pantone 57,28,0,76 Get Decimal #1a2b3c 210 57 24
RAL 5012 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 195 100 71
RAL 5013 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 215 70 33
RAL 5014 Get Pantone 34,17,0,41 99, 125, 150 #637d96 209 34 59
RAL 5015 P660 Get CMYK 0, 124, 176 Get Hex 198 100 69
RAL 5017 Get Pantone 100,35,0,45 Get Decimal Get Hex 201 100 55
RAL 5018 P5483 96,1,0,45 5, 139, 140 Get Hex 180 96 55
RAL 5019 Get Pantone 100,28,0,49 Get Decimal #005e83 197 100 51
RAL 5020 Get Pantone 100,13,0,71 Get Decimal #00414b 188 100 29
RAL 5021 P7475 100,2,0,53 Get Decimal #007577 181 100 47
RAL 5022 Get Pantone 62,50,0,65 34, 45, 90 Get Hex 228 62 35
RAL 5023 P7668 53,25,0,45 66, 105, 140 #42698c 208 53 55
RAL 5024 Get Pantone 44,15,0,33 Get Decimal Get Hex 200 44 67
RAL 5025 P7698 73,15,0,51 Get Decimal #21697c 193 73 49
RAL 5026 P540 82,41,0,68 15, 48, 82 Get Hex 210 82 32
RAL 6000 Get Pantone Get CMYK 60, 116, 96 #3c7460 159 48 45
RAL 6001 Get Pantone Get CMYK 54, 103, 53 #366735 119 49 40
RAL 6002 P555 Get CMYK Get Decimal #325928 108 55 35
RAL 6003 P417 Get CMYK 80, 83, 60 #50533c 68 28 33
RAL 6004 P5477 97,0,3,73 Get Decimal Get Hex 178 97 27
RAL 6005 Get Pantone Get CMYK 17, 66, 50 #114232 160 74 26
RAL 6006 Get Pantone Get CMYK 60, 57, 46 Get Hex 47 23 24
RAL 6007 Get Pantone Get CMYK 44, 50, 34 Get Hex 83 32 20
RAL 6008 PBlack, Noir 0,5,24,78 55, 52, 42 Get Hex 46 24 22
RAL 6009 P446 Get CMYK 39, 53, 42 #27352a 133 26 21
RAL 6010 P5763 31,0,49,56 Get Decimal Get Hex 98 49 44
RAL 6011 P5625 Get CMYK 108, 124, 89 Get Hex 87 28 49
RAL 6012 P446 21,0,5,76 Get Decimal Get Hex 166 21 24
RAL 6013 P416 0,6,28,51 Get Decimal Get Hex 48 28 49
RAL 6014 P418 Get CMYK 71, 65, 53 Get Hex 40 25 28
RAL 6015 Get Pantone 0,0,11,76 61, 61, 54 #3d3d36 60 11 24
RAL 6016 Get Pantone 100,0,28,59 Get Decimal #00694c 163 100 41
RAL 6017 Get Pantone 31,0,50,50 88, 127, 64 #587f40 97 50 50
RAL 6018 P7740 37,0,61,40 97, 153, 59 Get Hex 96 61 60
RAL 6019 P353 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 97 17 81
RAL 6020 P418 Get CMYK 55, 66, 47 #37422f 95 29 26
RAL 6021 Get Pantone Get CMYK 138, 153, 119 Get Hex 86 22 60
RAL 6022 Get Pantone Get CMYK 58, 51, 39 Get Hex 38 33 23
RAL 6024 Get Pantone 100,0,38,49 0, 131, 81 Get Hex 157 100 51
RAL 6025 P5763 Get CMYK 94, 110, 59 Get Hex 79 46 43
RAL 6026 Get Pantone 100,0,18,63 Get Decimal #005f4e 169 100 37
RAL 6027 P325 Get CMYK Get Decimal #7ebab5 175 32 73
RAL 6028 Get Pantone 42,0,21,67 Get Decimal #315442 149 42 33
RAL 6029 Get Pantone Get CMYK 0, 111, 61 #006f3d 153 100 44
RAL 6032 Get Pantone 72,0,35,50 35, 127, 82 Get Hex 151 72 50
RAL 6033 Get Pantone Get CMYK 70, 135, 127 #46877f 173 48 53
RAL 6034 P5493 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 180 29 67
RAL 6035 Get Pantone Get CMYK 25, 77, 37 #194d25 134 68 30
RAL 6036 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #04574b 171 95 34
RAL 6037 P7731 100,0,71,45 Get Decimal #008b29 138 100 55
RAL 6038 P5361 100,0,86,29 0, 181, 26 Get Hex 129 100 71
RAL 6039 P584 9,0,68,23 Get Decimal #B3C43E 68 68 77
RAL 7000 P430 14,4,0,44 122, 136, 142 #7a888e 198 14 56
RAL 7001 Get Pantone Get CMYK 140, 150, 157 Get Hex 205 11 62
RAL 7002 P430 0,7,23,49 129, 120, 99 Get Hex 42 23 51
RAL 7003 Get Pantone Get CMYK 122, 118, 105 #7a7669 46 14 48
RAL 7004 Get Pantone Get CMYK 155, 155, 155 Get Hex 0 0 60.8
RAL 7005 P416 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 100 3 43
RAL 7006 P404 Get CMYK Get Decimal #766a5e 30 20 46
RAL 7008 Get Pantone 0,19,47,55 116, 94, 61 #745e3d 36 47 45
RAL 7009 Get Pantone 3,0,8,62 Get Decimal Get Hex 83 8 38
RAL 7010 P424 Get CMYK 88, 92, 86 #585c56 100 7 36
RAL 7011 P431 12,4,0,64 Get Decimal Get Hex 202 12 36
RAL 7012 Get Pantone Get CMYK 87, 93, 94 #575d5e 189 7 37
RAL 7013 P417 Get CMYK Get Decimal #575044 38 22 34
RAL 7015 Get Pantone 10,6,0,65 Get Decimal #4f5358 213 10 35
RAL 7016 Get Pantone 15,6,0,74 Get Decimal Get Hex 204 15 26
RAL 7021 Get Pantone Get CMYK 47, 50, 52 Get Hex 204 10 20
RAL 7022 P7540 Get CMYK Get Decimal #4c4a44 45 11 30
RAL 7023 Get Pantone Get CMYK 128, 128, 118 Get Hex 60 8 50
RAL 7024 PCool Gray 10 Get CMYK Get Decimal #45494e 213 12 31
RAL 7026 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #374345 189 20 27
RAL 7030 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #928e85 42 9 57
RAL 7031 PCool Gray 9 Get CMYK Get Decimal #5b686d 197 17 43
RAL 7032 P414 0,3,11,29 181, 176, 161 #b5b0a1 45 11 71
RAL 7033 P423 Get CMYK Get Decimal #7f8274 73 11 51
RAL 7034 P415 Get CMYK 146, 136, 111 Get Hex 43 24 57
RAL 7035 Get Pantone 1,0,2,22 197, 199, 196 Get Hex 100 2 78
RAL 7036 PCool Gray 7 0,3,3,41 151, 147, 146 #979392 12 3 59
RAL 7037 Get Pantone 1,0,1,52 Get Decimal Get Hex 120 1 48
RAL 7038 PCool Gray 5 0,0,4,31 Get Decimal #b0b0a9 60 4 69
RAL 7039 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 37 12 42
RAL 7040 P422 Get CMYK 152, 158, 161 Get Hex 200 6 63
RAL 7042 Get Pantone Get CMYK 142, 146, 145 Get Hex 165 3 57
RAL 7043 PCool Gray 10 4,0,2,68 79, 82, 80 #4f5250 140 4 32
RAL 7044 P414 0,2,8,28 Get Decimal #b7b3a8 44 8 72
RAL 7045 Get Pantone Get CMYK 141, 146, 149 #8d9295 203 5 58
RAL 7046 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 202 8 54
RAL 7047 PCool Gray 3 0,0,0,22 Get Decimal Get Hex 60 0 78
RAL 7048 Get Pantone Get CMYK 129, 123, 115 #817b73 34 11 51
RAL 8000 P7504 Get CMYK 137, 105, 62 #89693e 34 55 54
RAL 8001 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #9d622b 29 73 62
RAL 8002 Get Pantone Get CMYK 121, 77, 62 Get Hex 15 49 47
RAL 8003 Get Pantone 0,40,70,51 Get Decimal #7e4b26 25 70 49
RAL 8004 Get Pantone 0,48,65,45 Get Decimal #8d4931 16 65 55
RAL 8007 P7582 0,38,63,56 Get Decimal #70452a 23 63 44
RAL 8008 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 29 68 45
RAL 8011 Get Pantone 0,38,58,65 Get Decimal Get Hex 21 58 35
RAL 8012 Get Pantone 0,50,58,60 Get Decimal #66332b 8 58 40
RAL 8014 Get Pantone 0,28,49,71 Get Decimal Get Hex 25 49 29
RAL 8015 Get Pantone 0,50,60,63 Get Decimal Get Hex 10 60 37
RAL 8016 P7617 0,43,58,70 76, 43, 32 #4c2b20 15 58 30
RAL 8017 P438 0,31,40,73 68, 47, 41 Get Hex 13 40 27
RAL 8019 Get Pantone 0,11,13,76 Get Decimal #3d3635 7 13 24
RAL 8022 Get Pantone 0,12,8,90 Get Decimal Get Hex 340 12 10
RAL 8023 P4635 Get CMYK 164, 87, 41 Get Hex 22 75 64
RAL 8024 P7505 0,34,54,53 121, 80, 56 #795038 22 54 47
RAL 8025 Get Pantone Get CMYK 117, 88, 71 Get Hex 22 39 46
RAL 8028 Get Pantone 0,28,48,68 81, 58, 42 #513a2a 25 48 32
RAL 8029 P7581 Get CMYK 127, 64, 49 #7f4031 12 61 50
RAL 9001 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #e9e0d2 37 10 91
RAL 9002 P420 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 50 6 84
RAL 9003 Get Pantone Get CMYK 236, 236, 231 #ecece7 60 2 93
RAL 9004 PBlack, Noir 2,2,0,83 43, 43, 44 Get Hex 240 2 17
RAL 9005 Get Pantone 13,13,0,94 Get Decimal #0e0e10 240 13 6
RAL 9006 Get Pantone Get CMYK 161, 161, 160 #a1a1a0 60 1 63
RAL 9007 P415 Get CMYK Get Decimal Get Hex 40 4 53
RAL 9010 PWarmGray10 Get CMYK 241, 236, 225 #f1ece1 41 7 95
RAL 9011 PBlack, Noir 7 Get CMYK 39, 41, 43 #27292b 210 9 17
RAL 9016 Get Pantone Get CMYK Get Decimal #f1f0ea 51 3 95
RAL 9017 Get Pantone 0,2,0,84 42, 41, 42 #2a292a 300 2 16
RAL 9018 Get Pantone Get CMYK 200, 203, 196 Get Hex 86 3 80
RAL 9022 P423 Get CMYK 133, 133, 131 #858583 60 2 52
RAL 9023 Get Pantone Get CMYK 121, 123, 122 #797b7a 150 2 48
(best match) (% values) (decimal values) (hex values) (H° S% B%)
Ral value Pantone CMYK / CMJN RGB / RVB RGB / RVB HSB

214 RAL colours


Download the RAL Classic Kit
(swatch Illustrator/Photoshop + RAL to Pantone, RGB, CMYK PDF colour conversion charts)


Télécharger RAL Classic Kit
(nuancier Illustrator/Photoshop + fichiers PDF couleurs RAL vers couleurs Pantone,RVB, CMJN).


Ral Swatches for Lightwave

Converted RAL colours in a colour library for 3D
RAL for Lightwave
Available for immediate download

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